How can we help you?
By working with carefully selected partners we lengthen the services on offer from TAG members to their clients and prospects. These services, combined with TAG Community network, are designed to create income streams, whilst leaving you free to obtain more clients and grow your Gross Recurring Fees. By focusing time and effort on developing your core business you get to do the work you want to do with the clients you want to work with.
Tax Service
When you don’t have time to do the research, or you don’t have the in-house expertise, you can call on the worldclass TAG Tax Service and team who are at the disposal of your practice, your clients and your prospects. They have very experienced and skilled practitioners who can help with…
- International restructuring
- Specialist R&D tax credits team (including qualified engineers as well as Chartered Tax Advisors and Accountants) Capital Allowance team (which includes Chartered Surveyors as well as Tax Advisors)
- VAT specialist advice
- IHT specialist advice
- Trust advice
- Non-statutory demergers
- Property portfolio planning and structuring
- EMI schemes
…as well as many other aspects of tax advice. In fact, there is not much the TAG Tax team do not cover.
The TAG Tax team are ex-Big 4 and ex-HMRC at very senior level. Through TAG Legal, we have access and hotlines to leading QCs and Barristers wherever and whenever required. You can white label the service (but most firms don’t). TAG Tax have worldwide correspondent Tax Advisors too.
Capital Allowances
We have a specialist team that includes both Tax Advisors and Chartered Surveyors to seek claims on capital allowances in commercial buildings (large or small) for your client. We can quickly identify potential claims, working with a member of our team to complete our qualifying questionnaire, saving you time and unnecessary research. There is no upfront cost, only a success fee in which you share.
R&D Tax Credits
We have a specialist team including both tax Advisors and qualified engineers to maximise R&D tax credit claims. Focusing on research and development, our aim is to identify potential claims working alongside both you and your clients. There is no upfront cost, only a success fee in which you share. Alternatively, if preferred, we can work with you or a member of your team training you on our systems to allow you to carry out and submit claims yourself.
TAG Financial Planning
Instantly launch your own financial services arm with fully FCA regulated Chartered Financial Planners and over 25 paraplanners and administrators advisors across the UK with no cost to you. You build capital value as well as passive income whilst you are a member of the TAG Community. The TFP team will help clients with pensions, insurance, and investments. No risk, no investment, whilst you receive the capital growth and earn off every transaction, for the life of your TAG Community Membership. You may have existing arrangements, but do you build capital value when you give clients away to them, possibly for free? Instead, why not think of TFP as your own inhouse financial planning team? You not only earn income on the immediate transactions but also build and receive a revenue share based on funds under management. You can think of us as your very own in-house financial planning arm.
TAG Legal
From basic shareholder or partnership agreements, drafting of memorandum and articles of association to litigation, arbitration or complex M&A work.
All fees charged are competitive and realistic and in most cases can be based on a fixed fee. You earn from introductions.
TAG Mortgages
We have access to thousands of mortgage products – 12,000 from over 90 lenders, and are on hand to assist with your client’s mortgage needs.
We can support with: let to buy, residential portfolios, commercial portfolios, homes with multiple occupancy (HMO), self- build, as well as offering mortgage protection and insurance. Again, you will earn introductory fees.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. There will be a fee for mortgage advice. The actual amount you pay will depend upon your circumstances and loan amount. The fee is up to 1.5%, but a typical fee is 0.67% of the amount borrowed.
TAG Corporate and Commercial Finance
We can offer support with secured and unsecured lending, providing rapid decisions and regulated advice where needed. You introduce and earn, including asset finance, bridging loans, commercial investment, cash flow lending, development finance, portfolio lending, second charge and trading business loans.
Unsecured lending is available subject to status through tried, tested and proven partners. This may be to fund VAT or tax payments.
Our broker team are highly experienced whole of market, they will consider the most quirky of propositions and they are fully FCA registered and regulated. You earn referral fees for introductions.
The TAG HR team are on hand to offer support and assistance to both you and your clients. Our team has over 100 years’ experience between them and is made up of CIPD qualified practicing HR consultants, legally qualified solicitors (maintain practicing certificates) who have all held in-house HR roles previously.
- Background in retail, pharmaceutical, law firms and care sectors
- Unlimited access to telephone and written HR/employment advice
- Uncapped call duration
- Available to designated members of your team
- Enquiries are dealt with promptly, professionally and commercially
- Detailed record of calls are completed by consultants
- Calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes
- Client call pattern reports can be created including subject, caller, location or department
- Online, on call or on-site options available. Again, you will earn introductory fees.
TAG Health & Safety
We aim to deliver peace of mind to directors and managers across all business sectors in this key area of compliance. We offer a full range of health and safety services in customisable tiered packages which can include:
- Competent person provision
- Health and safety audit and inspections
- Fire risk assessments
- Policies, procedures and risk assessments
- Fire evacuation planning
- Preparation and delivery of training matrix
- On-site consultancy
- Expert legal advice and representation
- ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 management systems
- Occupational health, hygiene and EAP
With Health & Safety Executive fines dramatically increasing from £4.3 million in 2014 to £72.6 million in 2018, the risk to business owners of prosecution has never been greater. Prevention is better than cure so take three minutes to complete a short questionnaire and you’ll receive a free personalised report highlighting areas of non-compliance so you know where to focus your attention. Again, you will earn introductory fees.
TAG Outsourcing
Take a look at outsourcing and grow your practice – fast!
TAG Business Advisory
For practices looking to move into the world of advisory, we are able to assist both you and your clients with:
- Personal goal setting
- Business goal setting
- Financial goal setting
This is done through our structured TAG Complete Advisory Solution, designed to help guide you and your clients to set and achieve both business and personal goals. In addition, we can show you very simply how to unlock huge profits hidden in your existing client base using out TAG Magic Matrix tool. Our BDM team can train you to deliver high value advisory work using these tools.
TAG Branding, Sales & Marketing
We now have access to a huge team of experts who can provide advice and assistance with:
Not just for yourselves but also for your clients. TAG members can access beneficial rates whilst earning fees for their introductions.
- Creative
- Digital
- Marketing
- PR
- Media
- Events
- Publishing
- Web
- Advertising
TAG Agency
TAG Agency are on hand to provide support and assistance whether it be through a limited company or by supporting self-employed individuals. Self-employed clients operating under the agency legislation are protected from status enquiries as the agency is the employer under that legislation. This also protects the employer. The limited company version of the arrangement can ensure the IR35 risk is removed. TAG members can receive ongoing fees for introductions.
TAG Expense Management
The TAG Expense Management tool provides real time up to date visibility into companies expense reports and can assist and improve cash flow management. Based on an award-winning app and e-account, in conjunction with MasterCardTM, business owners can manage each team member’s expense card, can transfer and remove funds as required. The app ensures capture of all expense receipts at point of sale, thus ensuring maximised recovery of VAT. Payaways on activity for active card users via TAG members are made each month.
TAG Cost Reduction & Profit Enhancement
We have specialists to analyse client costs and seek savings as well as innovative bespoke solutions to increase revenue sources. For micro-businesses, we have the technology to run a free diagnostic check to see where your clients can make savings. Again, this is a service from which you revenue share.
Extraordinary Property Investment Opportunities
Earn double figure returns from high quality property developments. The board is made up of very successful and experienced property development experts who are offered off market properties by various large institutions. Members have earned substantial introductory fees from either investing themselves or clients investing in the various property SPVs.
TAG Insolvency & Recovery
We have over 40 individuals on the team, including licensed and regulated IP partners. We can provide assistance and recommendations on both solvent liquidations and voluntary liquidations. Depending on the situation, we can provide steps and action plans assisting clients to help mitigate solvency issues whether these be short or longterm challenges.
Not a member yet?
You can use the TAG technical teams as a non member, however you will not receive the full benefits that Community members enjoy. If you would like more information about membership then please click on the button below.